Friday, July 14, 2023

Insignia- Tarea 5.2. Gamificación UPC

Me hubiese gustado crear mi insignia con la herramienta Makebadgets, pero ya no va su pagina web, así que la he creado con Canva. No parece tan ágil ni con tantas opciones.

Esta insignia fantasma será otorgada a los participantes cuando empiecen a estar cerca del fantasma de la Dama Blanca. Es de nivel 1. Cuanto más cerca vayan estando de ella, las sucesivas insignias serán de mayor nivel.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Cartas- Tarea 5.1. Gamificación UPC


He creado estas cartas con la herramienta MTG Cardsmith. Hay muchos detalles que te deja incorporar con muchas opciones de las cuales me he quedado con ganas de descubrir más.

La primera carta se trata de Alexander, hermano gemelo de Margaret, el fantasma de la Dama de Blanco. La tan próxima unión y sintonía que mantenían en vida los hermanos da lugar a que esta carta facilite a los participantes  que encuentren al fantasma de la Dama de Blanco al proporcionarles el transporte para lograr llegar a Ordsall Hall.

En esta segunda carta se trata de Cecile, una jovencita y también un fantasma como La Dama Blanca  que deambula  por las instancias de Ordsall Hall. Se nota su presencia al oler a rosas, sentir frío, sentir tristeza y a veces empuja a los visitantes. En este caso, los participantes del juego serán penalizados retrocediendo en su viaje hacia Ordsall Hall, ya que Cecile no parece que quiera que localicen a la Dama de Blanco ni que descubran su historia.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Trailer para el proyecto de gamificación- Tarea 4.1. Gamificación UPC

Trailer made with the iMovie application.

1) Aim: go there, communicate with The White Lady and find out about her story.

   " We just want to communicate with the spirits that may be haunting the location"

2) Help: 

    "Join us on our journey as we delve deeper and deeper into the world of paranormal"

3) Roles: Ghostbusters team and Living Dead team.

Creación de un avatar -Tarea 3.2. Gamificación UPC

Hola a todos; 
He creado mi avatar llamado Kirka con la herramienta Voki.
Me ha gustado la simplicidad a la hora de crear el avatar y los elementos que se pueden elegir son básicos
pero suficientes. Hay diferentes caras, fondos, ropa, accesorios, color de labios, de ojos, de mejillas, etc.
Permite pues muchas combinaciones que abren un abanico bastante grande para crear diferentes avatares.
Kirka se mueve y habla en inglés.


Experiencias de juegos en el aula- Tarea 3.1. Gamificación UPC

Experiencias de juegos en el aula de compañeros

Mi propia experiencia de juego en el aula


Reflexiones de la educación del Siglo XXI- Tarea 2.1. Gamificación GPC

Reflexiones de la educación del Siglo XXI de los compañeros

Hecho con Padlet

Mi reflexión sobre la educación del Siglo XXI

Friday, June 23, 2023

Reflexión sobre la toma de contacto con el curso -Tarea 2.2. Gamificación UPC

Lo primero que aprecio es un curso donde los contenidos están claramente organizados y

definidos en la plataforma Moodle de la Universidad. 

La facilidad en el plazo de entrega de las tareas donde podemos cada uno de

nosotros adaptarnos a nuestro ritmo es positivo sobre todo teniendo en cuenta las fechas en las

que se lleva a cabo el curso.

Por contra, la demora en el inicio del curso en relación a la fecha que se nos dijo en un

principio no es demasiado conveniente al entrar en la primera semana de agosto.

No veo en la plataforma cuando están conectados otros compañeros.

En líneas generales parece un curso interesante y dinámico con las TIC como protagonista.

Presentación Multimedia- Tarea 1.2. Gamificación. Curso UPC

laura Regueiro de Laura

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Helping animals

Do you like animals? Only the sweet ones? Or maybe only the bizarre ones?

Watch these three videos  so you can learn English while getting to know more about our friends the animals.

* Endangered species


        Task 3: Panda, Tiger or Polar Bear- P/T/B.

*  Too Cute!! Meet SIKU!! Wows Europe and melts hearts!!

                 Task 4: Siku's Powerpoint-R/V/W/G

                 *  Prince Charles Save The Rainforest Campaign.

                Task 5: 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Into Films

There is more than you think when you watch a film in English. You get exposure to natural language in a non-threatening setting and you are in a common ground regarless of your international background. Therefore, it's not about simply sticking the DVD in the player and watch the film, it's about helping you to develop critical comprehension, analysis skills and most of all making effective for you learning English as foreign language.
Let's work a bit on the film we have been watching in class these days.

  • What's the right way of pronouncing the title of the film?
  • Why do you think I have chosen this particularly film?
  • Think about the values one can get out of it, what have you learnt from it and write an opinion essay with your own conclusions.
  • Have a look at the trailer and write 7 sentences related to any aspect of the film.

  • Print the quiz you're been given here, complete it, justify your answers whenever it is possible and hand it in in class. The Guardian Quiz
  • Could you identify when this music in the movie is played, whether it is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.

Natural disasters and extreme weather

 Natural disasters create a lot of damage, sometimes materially speaking and others in
 the number of human lives lost. At times, disasters can be predicted, but in many other
 cases they are unpredictable. Beyond the damage, natural  disasters can become a great
 subject of photography.   Very beautiful images can then be been taken when these disasters
 take place. Here you can see some beautiful photographs from destructive disasters within the
 following video. 

 After watching watching it:

·       Look for the definition of natural phenomena.
          ·       Name 12 natural phenomena that are shown in the video.
·       Find the top 7 most bizarre phenomenon in the world, name them  and look for 5  photos which you consider show  the most beautiful natural disasters.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lady Gaga Short Biography

Lady Gaga (March 28, 1986 ) who her full name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is definitely an American pop singer-songwriter who got her success with its “Just Dance” and “Poker Face” Single. No one knows about her previously since she start her carrier with hard-work. Gaga start learning music since aged four (play piano) and then she made her first piano ballad at 13. by age 14, she start performing at open mike nights. Inspired by popular rock artists such as David Bowie, Elton John and Full at the time, Gaga is well-recognized on her outré Lady Gaga popular fashion. Then, she also learn much from other to pop performers for example Madonna and Michael Jackson, in her performance as well as in her music videos.
Gaga found her prominence after a discharge of her debut studio album The Fame (2008), that was a vital and commercial success and accomplished worldwide recognition using the singles “Just Dance” and “Poker Face”. The album got at number 1 about the record charts of six nations, as well as the Billboard Dance/Electronic Albums chart while concurrently peaking at # 2 about the Billboard 200 chart within the USA. Moreover, she also got accomplished positions inside the top worldwide.

The Heart Of Dublin

You can see four pictures taken in Dublin City, here you can read  explanatory paragraphs about two of them, but what do you know about the other photographs. Try to find out some information about them.

Guiness Storehouse
Located in the heart of the St James’s Gate Brewery, which has been home to the black stuff since 1759, Guinness Storehouse® is Ireland’s Number One Visitor Attraction and you simply cannot leave Dublin without having paid a visit.

The highlight for many visitors is the Gravity Bar®. Here visitors receive a complimentary pint of Guinness® and can relax and enjoy the breathtaking 360-degree views across Dublin City. 

Opening Times: 
Daily 9.30am-5.00pm. Jul & Aug: 9.30am-7.00pm 
Check website for updates. 
Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, St. Stephen's Day & Good Friday.

The Molly Malone Statue

The Molly Malone statue is located at the end of Grafton Street, opposite Trinity College. Molly Malone was a semi historical/legendary figure who was commerated in the song 'Cockles and Mussels', a Dublin anthem. 

She worked as a fishmonger but also as a working girl and died in one of the outbreaks of cholera that regularly used to sweep the city of Dublin. This iconic bronze statue was sculptured in 1988 by Jeanne Rynhart.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Custom House Dublin

The Custom House is an exquisite Georgian Building and is rated as one of Ireland's most important historical building. Graceful pavilions, arcades, columns adorned with sculptures this Georgian facade manages to stand the test of time and retain its beauty and glory.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Using music and songs for teaching English

Teaching through music can play a really important part in the language classroom. It can change the atmosphere in the classroom within seconds.
Songs sung in English are listened to around the world and students can often feel real progress in their level of English when they can begin to sing along to the chorus or even just to be able to separate what at first seemed to be a constant stream of words!. Using music in general or focusing on particular songs are two useful choices which can be very rewarding.

Before the beginning of the class it may be worthwile to do a music survey

or questionnaire to find out what the students enjoy listening to. As much as

possible try to use music they will like. One can find that the students’

motivation levels are the determining factor in whether or not a song will work

with them. If the students really like the song and the artist they become

determined to understand. If the teacher chooses the task carefully even

lower levels will be able to get something out of working with tricky songs

where the language is way above their level of English.

Using music in the classroom doesn’t always mean listening to a song and using

the lyrics in some way. Music can be used in the classroom in a multitude of

ways. Using songs provide a valuable source of authentic language and there

are hundreds of ways to exploit them in the classroom. The internet has made

it very easy to find the lyrics of songs. A search on google with the name of

the band, the song title and the word ‘lyrics’ will bring up a selection of sites

you can use. Once you have copied and pasted the lyrics into a word document

it is quick and easy to make an effective worksheet.

See Class Activity.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Where The Hell Is Matt?

Matthew Harding spent 14 months visiting 42 countries in order to produce "Where the Hell is Matt?", a four-and-a-half minute video featuring Harding (and anyone else he could rope into it) doing an incredibly silly, high-energy dance in some of the most breathtaking scenery around the world. This may be the best four minutes and twenty-eight seconds of your week.Where The Hell Is Matt?